A full 360° client view isn't impossible, it's
just impractical. Given the vast amounts of information scattered throughout an organization, for any
specific entity – an individual customer, department, governmental agency, employee, supplier – there
is simply too much information to present in any reasonable manner.

The client does not require access to all
of this data. What the client needs is a concise view into the relevant data
so that what is
presented, and how, is relative to the client viewing the data, and contextually specific to the
client's perspective. A customer as viewed from Sales is likely to be very different from that
same customer viewed from Accounting.
Relevant Communications provides a practical
360° view, as a multi-pane window into your corporate-wide data where each pane presents information
from a specific data source that is relevant to the client view, and germane to the specific application.
Intelligent documents perform the content
integration necessary to present a concise client view of the relevant data.